East Indian Arrowroot - Koolbloom

East Indian Arrowroot

Looks very much like turmeric (Curcuma Longa), but found via Google Lens that this pic is of a different species within the same genus Curcuma. This pic is from a Sahyadri hike in 2009.

Botanical name Curcuma angustifolia
English names East Indian Arrowroot
Nederlandse naam geelwortel, saffraanwortel, Siamese tulp
Indian names

Hindi: Tikhur तिखुर
Bengali: Keturi halodhi
Manipuri: Yaipan
Marathi: Tavakeera, Tavakhira, Tavakila
Malayalam: Koova, Kuva-kizhanna
Tamil: Ararut-kizhangu, Kua
Kannada: Koove-hittu
Telugu: Ararut-gaddalu
Sanskrit: Tavakshira तवक्षीर


Native habitat Indian sub-continent
Plant Type perennial herb
Bloom time Fall color

The roots are a source of carbohydrates (starch) and used in Indian cooking for centuries. Also used for medicinal purposes, especially in Ayurveda.


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