Welcome to my digital collection of all things of the plant kingdom: flowers, trees, plants, mushrooms, lichens, berries…
Not only do I like to photograph them, but also to identify and document them with their common English names, local names, and botanical name.
My website just showcases my flower / plant pics, and adds some useful links to authentic info sites on each. I have a huge backlog of flower photos over the years, and I am slowly adding the different species pages here.
If you are looking to identify flowers or trees, there are some cool apps out there that can help:
- Google lens (an app on your phone) does a great job identifying flowers either from photos or by directly pointing your phone camera at the flower in real life.
- Plantsnap – plant identification app for mobile phones.
You can however, use this site the way you might use a wild flower physical book: the flowers are classified by color primarily. Hope you have fun browsing!